Subscription Options & Features




Pro Monthly


Pro Quarterly


Pro Yearly


10 Questions Per Survey  Unlimited Questions Per survey Unlimited Questions Per survey Unlimited Questions Per survey
100 Responses Per Month Unlimited Responses Per month Unlimited Responses Per month Unlimited Responses Per month
Surveys per Month 100 1000 2000 Unlimited
Survey Template Library
Quick Start Menu
Easy interface
Organize surveys into folders
Survey Sample Calculator
Easily find and re-use an old survey
Multiple deployment of a survey
Survey Design features:
Browser based system
Copy, cut & paste survey items
Copy surveys
Spell check
Edit / replace content
Custom parameters for personalized questionnaires
Ability to reorder questions/answers
Add and remove page breaks
Ability to transfer a survey to another account
Building Survey Content
Question types:
Select one
Select multiple
Single text box
Multiple text box
Single selection matrix
Multiple selection matrix
Drop down box
Drop down matrix
Image selection
Define mandatory questions
Define mandatory rules per question
Define multiple question display logic
Define multiple page display logic
Numeric/text/date/time masks
Define customised action based on survey results
Personalize questions and answers using parameters
Define your own categories
Specify your own category weights
Assign questions to categories
Specify question weights
Specify answer weights
Specify matrix weights
Use provided style templates
Create and use your own style templates
Save your defined style as default for future surveys
Set page back color
Set page back image
Upload your own logo
Define logo placement
Stretch logo to fit page
Choose your own selection button image
Set fonts on each individual survey section
Set back colors on each individual survey section
Set fore colors on each individual survey section
Survey back colors include gradients and transparency
Define the placement of questions (below or next to)
Define placement of option buttons (horizontal, vertical)
Define orientation and size of each individual survey section
Personalize button captions
Split introduction page from the survey
Split the conclusion page from the survey
Progress bar on / off
Allow / Disallow redo on page level
Allow / Disallow incomplete survey exits
Auto number questions
Alternate matrix line colors for easy reading
Preview your survey
Print paper based copies for manual input
Survey Launch:
Multiple launch of a single survey
Split / combined statistics of multiple launched surveys
E-mailed surveys
Manual surveys
Customised e-mail invitation message
Insert logo Images in e-mail
Customised follow-up message
Automated reminder facility
E-mail send log
Save and re-use your e-mail messages (e-mail templates)
Import mailing lists
Manually supply e-mail addresses
Define parameter values for each respondent
Specify a launch date
Specify a stop date
Stop a survey based on count
Define survey completion actions
Redirect to defined url after completion
IP Address blocking
Tracking of survey rogress
Password protect a survey
Raw data download:
Printable reports:
Portable Document Format (pdf)
Rich Text Format
Bar Charts
Stacked Bar Charts
Pie Charts
Doughnut Charts
Radar Charts
3D Riser Charts
Ability to define chart type per question
Ability to define chart type per question type
Render flat or 3D charts
Define report back color
Define report fore color
Define report logo
Include / exclude categories in the report
Filtering on:
Specific launches
Specific recipients
Specific questions
Specific answer values
Specific parameter values